Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Switch Game Review: Trials of Mana

 Trials of Mana is a game that came to the Nintendo Switch in April 2020, right at the outset of the pandemic that grips the world to this day.  This game is also on the PS4 so there was a bit of the differences in the way they played on different consoles.  However I played the Switch version of this and it is noted that I thought well about this game.  How do I think it did well? How did I feel it didn't? All that and more below!


1. Graphics- I think they did well for graphics on the Switch and the game is very picturesque.  The game brings a great sense of being great to look for and look at with really anywhere being really, really good to see in a game.

2. Music- Especially the battle music.  I live for great gaming music and this game has that.  Just go anywhere really, and the music is bound to be absolutely exquisite.

3. Simple battle system- No major frills for beginning gamers and it is not very complex.  Every major button does something but you need it to be that way to succeed and that is the best way to have an RPG style battle system in my view.

4. Time- More specifically, the time needed to beat the game is important and it isn't overdoing it and you will be happy with how it takes you only around 20-25 hours to beat the game even with the cutscenes.  That's a solid RPG length.

5. Main character storylines- I like whoever you choose as your main character as you see the character growth and your party as well.  They all have a storyline and it makes it nice to see, but however there is a caveat to that...


1. Limited character arc growth- Yeah that's where I say while yes they have a storyline, they have limited growth in their stories.  I honestly thought they would do more with that and do more overall with their character arcs, however it wasn't that and it was limited.  This is also prevalent because the game wants you to do a second playthrough with the other characters not used but I decided against it due to the limited character arc.

2. Too much backtracking- Yeah you are going to do a lot of this through the game and I found it a little much to be honest.  I understand going from one place back there maybe once or twice but some take multiple times and that is annoying as can be.  That's another downside to this game.

3. Pretty easy overall- Even on standard, it felt almost way too easy.  I think the only way I died the one time in this game was just bad RNG in the game at that one point.  Otherwise most boss fights even didn't seem to be much of a challenge.  I wonder if this was tailored to those first time gamers because that would make sense but it just felt too easy.

Overall Rating:

Overall, I can recommend Trials of Mana to the ordinary gamer or someone trying to complete the Mana series of games.  It's got great music, graphics, a simple battle system.  If you can deal with the negatives it is quite an alright game overall.

Overall Rating: 8 out of 10. 

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