Sunday, April 3, 2022

Switch Game Review: Chocobo GP

 Chocobo GP is Square's version of Mario Kart, or so I believe.  I could be wrong but it feels like Final Fantasy Kart Lite, sort of? Again I could be wrong but we should probably consider it as such.  There are things that Square does for this game that are quality, but others not so much.  Below I do so in explaining what is good, what is bad and my overall rating.


1. Story mode: It's cute, funny and short.  It's not an insane amount of work and you are good with the game.  It's got a kid-ish type funny humor to it but I like the cutesy way they made this for Chocobo GP.

2. Music: It should be illegal to make racing games to be this good with soundtracks.  Every track in this game is absolutely phenomenal.  From the opening theme, to the track themes, you can't find a bad track.  If there were, then I didn't hear any of them be bad.  It's absolutely fantastic. 

3. Receptive karts: I do like this, and I feel it would be better if they were able to slide a bit more, but overall if there was something I would complain about with Mario Kart, their carts are not responsive enough whereas Chocobo GP's probably are over responsive to the input put in the game.  However this could be easily fixed on a DLC to be honest.


1. Tracks: This is something I cannot comprehend.  You are Square, you have a bazillion dollars in the bank. Yet you can't make a racing game with more than 7 tracks? That is a big freaking yikes from me.  I can't vouch for that.  It is just rough that you couldn't do more than that.

2. Flair for Gaming: Here's what I mean by this.  Mario Kart has pizzazz, it has style, it has flair.  Chocobo GP just doesn't offer that at all.  It just lacks a lot.  It feels like a mundane game in terms of excitement.  

3. Microtransactions: Yeah I can't vouch for this either.  I despise games that do this and it is a joke that a racing game is this way.  It's not something I appreciate with games at all and I am frustrated that this was a route that Square went with it.  

Overall Rating:

Overall based on racing, this is just an average game.  Limited track set, limited karts, and you have to buy a lot to get everything.  It's frustrating to me that they couldn't do more for that.  For as great as the soundtrack is and the karts can be, the racing is just lackluster and doesn't offer much in the way of being enticing.  This, much like Mario Kart, is mainly based off of luck rather than skill.  If they got a DLC and added tracks and made the karts a bit different it would be a vastly different story.  It just falls short right now.  For me, it's a 5 out of 10 for Chocobo GP.