Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Book Review: Getting Bi: Voices of Bisexuals Around the World

Now you'll look at the title of this and be like "David, how on bloody Earth do you now review books after a bazillion SNES games?"  Well it's easy in a way (and by the way, when I decide I have enough time in my life on video games, it will also look to PlayStation games if/when that ever happens.)  However, this is my first ever real book review I am putting up.  So it'll be a lot different than those bluntly honest video game reviews I put up for SNES (I would say if you are looking forward to it, my next one is Final Fantasy 6.)  But I'll really just give my insight as to the book, with some positives, negatives but mainly overall my thoughts on it in full.  So, without any more lecturing of how this will go, here's what I thought of this book.

For me, Getting Bi is a good book for myself.  If you have lived under a rock in the last year, and in most cases you haven't (though kudos to you if you have made that work), you'll note and know that I am bisexual.  This is honestly a good book for a person learning about themselves personally in terms of who they really are.  For myself personally, I found the insight of the authors and the stories of others to be very intriguing.  I thought incorporating people from other countries was a very astute idea as it makes you open to the idea of the laws and observations of a public abroad.  The idea for me to be involved in this book is to learn more about myself as I go on with life.  I found that to be a very positive influence for myself and others while reading.  If there is any negative, it's that this is probably a direct book to people who are bi, but it does have some ideas for transgendered people as well.  However, it doesn't really go much deeper than that for either straight people, gay people, etc.  I would have liked some insight as to that, but given the book's title, you can't really think the context would be more than it was.   

In critical summary, if you are bisexual or are trying to learn about yourself such as myself you will really like this book.  If you aren't, then you might find it intriguing to learn about other people but likely wouldn't enjoy it too much.  For myself, I found the book to be very much with insight and knowledge that I can use for the future.  I'm very proud to have read this book and learn about how I can live with being bisexual more in the future.  And different situations to handle it.  I would recommend this book to a various amount of people and think it is much worth reading.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

SNES Game Review: Tecmo Super Bowl III: Final Edition

Tecmo Super Bowl III: Final Edition is about the most real title you can think of.  Yes, it's the final edition of the trilogy for the SNES.  They actually did make one for the PlayStation, which I haven't physically played but it didn't sell well so maybe look into that for how it is?  Anyway, the third edition for Tecmo is honestly the best of the three and it is also the best of the football games on SNES.  That may not seem like much, given how lackluster I felt about the Madden 96 review, but the Tecmo game is probably the highest of the video games for football that I could rate.  That's going based on a lot of different factors.  However, there are a lot of flaws with this game as well.  How did I feel about it?

1. Nearly all players listed: Now there are some players not on here.  But that's because of personal preference.  This game had the NFL license.  Same with Madden, NFL QB Club and others, but it still was up to the player to reject it.  It became a thing more with the PS1/N64 and other platforms to get your name on the game.  So due respect as it was.

2. Some teams are perfectly put on the game: It's weird, but roll with me.  Some teams are perfectly built here.  Dallas, San Francisco, and GB were the three best teams in the NFC in 1995 and played like it.  Detroit was a playoff team and played like it.  Cleveland was a legit Super Bowl contender (if they didn't move) and played like it.  Others like Houston were bad and played like it.  There is a catch to this however and I will dive on that.

3. Ability to sign/trade: The final edition got this right.  Though I didn't trade or sign anyone, you can definitely do so if you wanted. If you wanted a stacked Browns team, you could.  Or more stacked Dallas team, you could.  Just give it a go and see what you could do in terms of Free Agency or trading players all around.

4. Improved graphics: This is more of a comparison to the other two, but the third has the best graphics to make it a realistic enough feeling for what the super Nintendo would have in terms of a football game.  It's obviously something the PS1 and other consoles do better on but this game probably is the best in terms of graphics with the SNES for football.

1. Not all teas are perfectly put: Yep, like I said I would have a catch to this.  GB was a formidable Super Bowl contender (lost to Dallas in the NFCCG in the 1995 season) but Seattle and Oakland were not and they were in the title game, which Seattle was in the Super Bowl.  Seattle's QB was Rick Mirer.  However, they had a decent defense so that's not the bad thing.

2. Good luck playing defense: Yes the NFL is a guessing game, but you can be better than like 15 percent of guessing plays on defense.  On top of that, even if you guess right the players on this game may not even play the defender correctly.  This was enormously frustrating throughout and thought this was a downgrade actually from the second Tecmo game.  There were many shootouts to say the least.

3. How Godly the Browns were: Okay, how on Earth did they not win it all in my simulation?  Not sure because when the time I played them, they were all jacked it seemed on stats and attributes.  Look, the Browns in 1995 were screwed by their owner moving the team and announcing it mid-season.  Maybe Tecmo wanted to make sure they got what they deserved (a likely Super Bowl effort) in spite of that?  It's possible.  But holy cow, I should have played as the Browns because everyone is insanely good.

Comparisons to the second Tecmo game:
To compare to the first is very unfair, as the third is better all around.  So we'll compare to the second game.

1. Defensively, it goes to the second game.  You can play defense on that game better.
2. Graphically, the third is the best of all the SNES football games, so the third gets it.
3. Fluidity of game-play goes to the third game as well.  It's less choppy though the second is quite fine at game-play as well

So how does this game rate?  Well it's easily the best of the games on the SNES for football.  As far as overall rating, it's probably an 8.2 or so.  However, it barely gets into the top 100 of games on SNES.  There are plenty more sports games overall better on the SNES than Tecmo III.  I would put it maybe 98 or 99 on the list.  However, this is the best of the games for football on the SNES.