Sunday, November 7, 2021

Switch Game Review: Super Mario Galaxy

 Super Mario Galaxy is another 3D Mario game that came out on the Nintendo Wii in 2007 that was given very, very high praise. Overall this game is very well praised for a number of things but all of those I am going to say below anyway, so I won't do much more ado about this.  


1. Graphics- On the Wii, a new system from other pass consoles, this game was phenomenal with graphics and that stays the same with the Switch version on the Super Mario 3D All-Stars game.  Overall they are very, very crisp and very well done in every way.

2. Frame rate- Never choppy, always smooth, always able to go spot to spot with no glitches at all.  This game is phenomenal overall and the frame rate does it amazing as well.

3. Music- Yes again, Nintendo is fantastic with this and they hit it out of the park with Super Mario Galaxy.  All the credit in the world with this game with its music in every way possible.

4. Level designs- It's actually well developed.  I enjoy the 'everything in one place' then more spatial design as it puts a system to the limits and that's what they did here.  There is a lot of things happening in one area, then all over at times it is spatial.  It works, it's fun, and you will enjoy it.

5. Boss fights- Not too difficult, not too easy, and you need strategy and quick thinking.  It is all very, very well done and the greatest games have those types of boss fights.

6. Level difficulty- There are some that are easy, some that aren't, but none are so childishly easy or brutally difficult that it is unplayable.  I love them and they are so good overall.

7. Great, yet simple, story- Yes it's Bowser v. Mario.  Yes, it's Mario saving Peach.  That all works.  It is amazing how it works too overall.  I love how the game works that way and that is the best Mario storyline overall anyway.


There are none.

Overall Rating

Highly recommend for Wii and Switch.  I'm not going to press return on this to the rating because it's a 10 out of 10

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