Saturday, April 13, 2024

Multi-Platform Game Review: Sea of Stars

 Sea of Stars released in 2023 on just about every platform.  It released for Nintendo on the Switch, Sony for the PS4 and PS5, and Microsoft for PC, XBOX Series X and S and XBOX One. It also won 2 awards, The Best Indie Game at the Golden Joystick Awards and the Best Independent Game at the Game Awards in 2023. It was nominated for three other awards between award shows. With these awards in mind, I played Sea of Stars in early 2024, and wondered how the game would be. How do I feel this game squares up overall with rating, it's story and much more? Find that out below!


1. Story- A major part of a game that can make or break it is the story. Sea of Stars has a fantastic story, that provides a very big plot twist early that makes the story very worth it in the end.  Overall, the story is brilliantly written and done from start to finish and keeps you engaged throughout. 

2. Graphics- A lot of times Indie games don't get the recognition they deserve for the work they put in.  The Switch version (That I played) for Sea of Stars had absolutely splendid graphics.  From the scenery, to the stages, the FMV's and motions of the characters were all splendid. The company who put this together should absolutely give themselves credit for the job they did.

3. Music- I like the soundtrack to this game. Almost every track in every world is splendid work. In parts where it is relaxed, it is relaxed. In a spot where it is intense, it is intense. There are many tracks to this game, and all of them are very good overall.

4. Character growth- Over the course of this game you see the two main characters, Zale and Valere, grow a lot from starry-eyed wanderers needing to fulfill one quest to heroes the world needs but don't deserve. They turn into people who don't judge others, want to help in every situation, and make the world be more peaceful without evil throughout. I love this aspect of them.  However, other characters like Serai, Garl, and even the villain, the Fleshmancer.

5. Ending- Not to be spoilery, but I enjoyed playing for the multiple endings.  I liked this a lot and thought that this was really neat overall. I would highly suggest playing the game for yourself (or if you don't play and want to YouTube it, go ahead.)

6. Garl- Okay I don't like singling out a specific cast member but this dude is right up there in legendary characters for me.  He's right up there with Vivi, with Auron, and others in terms of overall likeness, being a charismatic person, and wanting to help at all costs.  He's such a great character in this game and I am glad that he keeps this friendship with Valere and Zale throughout the years.


1. Moraine- If there is a major negative here, it has to be Moraine.  He's supposed to be a major teacher to Valere and Zale, and even their predecessors Brugraves and Erlina.  Instead, he seems to lead by kind of a dictatorial style.  That may explain what the predecessors did in the game, but it doesn't seem to fit Valere and Zale, who are a lot more open about their friendships, especially with Garl (who is not well liked by Moraine for a while.)  He just seems to be a woe is me guy when things go against him, and that rubbed me the wrong way.

2. The Rainbow Conch Quest- One that is seemingly behooving in the game, this probably was the worst sidequest.  Much like other quests in some other games like Final Fantasy in a way, this quest of finding all 60 rainbow conch shells was tedious, long and honestly rough.  It does pay off in the end but I don't blame you if you didn't try this.

3. A Boss Ending- Again, not to spoil anything but if you got frustrated by one of the end game bosses, I can't say I blame you at all. It was ruthless, almost to the point of unfair but one that I still did play and beat.  Again, if you feel it isn't worth or that you thought it was insanely tough, I don't blame you.

Overall Rating:

Despite the negatives that I mentioned above, I overall really enjoyed Sea of Stars.  My initial reaction made me put it as a 9.5 out of 10 but after some time (aka like 3-4 months) of looking back on my playthrough of this, it changes a bit. I love the story, I love the progression of the characters, especially the trio of Valere, Zale and Garl. This game thoroughly deserved the awards and accolades it received. My rating for Sea of Stars is 9 out of 10. Splendid game that you should all try once.

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