Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Boomers Bring Frontier Fun to the Ballpark

 The Schaumburg Boomers are an independent league in the Frontier League that plays baseball in Boomer Stadium in Schaumburg, Illinois.  For reference, it's essentially west of Chicago and in some ways utilizes the Metra line.  For this game, this happened the week of Memorial Day in 2019.  This has been a while since I last blogged, but as I come back we focus on an independent league team with a stadium that is quite good.

 For Schaumburg's team, they have guys either with aspirations of going to the MLB or wanting to get paid for pro ball.  That is much of the same for any major team in the Frontier League.  Their stadium as I entered it seemed to look of that like a pretty decent minor league stadium.  The fan shop is before you enter the stadium which is overall alright and they offer some decent supplies for a minor league team as well.  Upon entering the stadium you see essentially the field right away as you make your way to the seat.  This is a stadium and team that makes use of the weekends and the area's love of baseball as they typically draw well for weekends and the late spring/summer holidays.  On this night it was still alright with attendance though a night that was more sparsely attended than typically on a weekend (this was a Monday I went.)  

This game was a pretty good game overall for the game of baseball.  It was a pretty good pitching duel most of the way and the seats, well there wasn't a bad one in the park really.  Even if you seat yourself on the hills in left or right field beyond the seating, it is a good seat to see the game.  You have a good seat regardless so you don't need to pay an incredible amount of money at all.  On top of that, you get to see literally decent baseball and the concessions are at a good price overall.  One thing I did like as well is that Schaumburg wasn't too pricey on the merchandise, the concessions or tickets.  They certainly knew what to expect out of the fan base and they did well to reasonably price it for not just the singular fan such as myself but a family of 4 to make sure they do not go broke at any point and overprice themselves.  Obviously with 2020, it is tough due to not playing baseball at the Frontier League level.

The last of the major points I want to bring is that their fan promotions are alright both pre-game and in-game.  They do try to tailor thing to the kids, in a way to bring kids to the ballpark.  One thing Schaumburg is know for is aerosol cans so they have an aerosol can race.  That's correct, an aerosol can race happens here.  It was honestly pretty cool to see this race happen and while I know Brewers fans may think it is more or less of a copycat, I know Schaumburg is tailoring to young fans with this sort of promotion.

All in all, I had a good time with the Schaumburg Boomers game.  It reminded me of my love of baseball much like Minor League teams and games do.  That is what it is all about and I am glad to have that experience.  I hope when 2021 comes around that Schaumburg can do their thing again and have a lot of good times with their fans.  They deserve it as does the Frontier League in general.

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